Main Street VCR Repair
Follow along with Rick Richards, owner of the largest video rental chain in Montana, as he teaches you how to fix a VCR that won't rewind any tapes.
In this interactive, informative VHS recording, even a novice VCR mechanic can learn to fix 'em like the pros do. Through 15 in-depth examples, play along as Rick teaches you how to handle:
- Loose Pieces
- Sand Buildup
- Soviet Spy Devices
- And More!
Who said fixing VCRs wasn't easy?
Volume on for best experience.
CLICK on a VCR piece to select it, then use the ARROW KEYS or WASD to move it around.
Other elements can be interacted by clicking on them, or by moving your VCR pieces into them.
Enjoy the game!
This game was made for the Brackeys 2020.2 Game Jam, with the theme of Rewind. All art, code, dialogue, and music was made solo by me. Sound effects were mostly made by me with Leshy SFMaker. Electricity sound effect was a royalty-free download.
Electricity Effect: