Mana Rumble
Mana Rumble is a two player local adversarial game where players compete against each other in a handball-like sports game using two teams of three. Each game lasts 3 minutes but can be ended prematurely at any time through the pause menu.
ControlsIt is recommended to play the game using controllers, however keyboards are supported.
ControllerMovement - Left stick
Aiming - Right stick (if not being used, aim in the same direction you're running in)
Shoot - Right trigger (R2)
Use ability - Left trigger (L2)
Grabbing ball from opponent - Right trigger (When not holding ball)
Keyboard Player 1 (Red team) MovementPlayer 1 moves using WASD.
AimingOn the keyboard, the character's aim is the same as their movement vector.
ShootingPlayer 1 shoots the ball with the spacebar.
Special movesPlayer 1 activates their special move using left shift
GrabbingPlayer 1 can try to grab the ball with the same button that they use to shoot.
Character switchingPlayer 1 can switch characters using Q and E.
Player 2 (Blue team) MovementPlayer 2 moves using the arrow keys.
AimingOn the keyboard, the character's aim is the same as their movement vector.
ShootingPlayer 2 shoots the ball with the L key.
Special movesPlayer 2 activates their special move using the J key.
GrabbingPlayer 2 can try to grab the ball with the same button that they use to shoot.
Character switchingPlayer 2 can switch characters using the comma and period keys.