"Maneki-Buddy is your gaming assistant, perfect for your windows 98 computer!"
It's what it's said on the old floppy disk you found in that old box, you put the files on your pc and load it up, eager to meet that "Maneki-Buddy' you never heard of...
Maneki-Buddy is a game jam game made for the Funni jam 2021:
Inspired by Clippy, Bonzi Buddy and also our experiences of making a game and the exceptations that might come with it.
It's our First Game jam for the majority in the project!
Concept: Melzinoff, MisterNara, Fixkuwili
Game design: Melzinoff, MisterNara
Character design: Fixkuwili, MisterNara
Game artist 2D: MisterNara
Unity Developer: Melzinoff
Your firewall might think this game is bad, but it isn't!! (I swear)