Marble Crash Universe (MCU)
Game Desc:
A city that was build from ruined megapolitan after The Great Flood 2060 ,
it was rebuild with the help of many syndicates and private entity which now become de-facto controller of this sparkling city NEO-JAKARTA, a city that was build from ruined megapolitan after The Great Flood 2060
it was rebuild with the help of many syndicates and private entity which now become de-facto controller of this sparkling city. While The Great Flood bring so many destruction, it gives us a blessing in return.
A Mysterious High Density Energy yet stable Element, called Marbleium. When process Marbleium further, it become a ball like stone called Marblelite, which build empower this city with progress.
9 years after The Great Flood, this city progressed so far that proved how valuable Marblelite is...
Corporations, syndicates and many other entities sought control of it. Bigger Control of Marblelite means bigger control on this city.
Now the time's has begun, to fight and control all Marblelite in Neo Jakarta. Which lead the question. Which side you will be?
Game Engine: Unity
Plugin: Fungus
Game Designer:
Azarya Andriano
Nicolaus Cahyadi
Daniel Kevin Jhon Feko Wahyudi
Laurensius Kevin Setiadi
Anthony Ray
Dwi Rendahadi Harsono
Sound Composer:
Jasson Prestilian