Marble Muse Arcade Edition
Marble Muse Arcade Edition was made to help promote the Champlain Games Festival. It is a physics based game, where you tilt the environment using gravity to navigate a marble through increasingly mind bending courses. It is meant to be played in an arcade cabinet and supports cabinet controls and RGB lightup controls. In a retro arcade style, you complete each level before the time runs out and go for the high score!
The default controls are wacky because they are set to work with the Ultimarc I-PAC Ultimate I/O Control Interface. You can adjust them in the config dialog that pops up before the game starts.
The file that contains useful settings such as volume settings and FreePlay (on by default) is located in the Marble Muse Arcade Edition_Data folder.
If you want the full experience with the RGB light up arcade controls, there is an LEDBlinky folder with the config files you need to set that up. Install LEDBlinky ( and merge the config files in. You will also need to edit the the file and set the LEDBlinky exe location.