Martial Cards

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You signed up for the biggest martial-arts challenge in history! In a gauntlet beyond example, contestants from all around the world face myriads of artificial monstrosities to find out who can deal with them performing the most stylish and efficient combos. There’s a twist though - you can only move in accordance with the hand of cards you’re holding. Ah, there’s nothing like the beautiful arbitrariness of game rules...


  • Exceptional replayability: No two playthroughs will be alike thanks to randomly generated arenas, monster spawns and a shuffled deck of movement cards!
  • Simple, but deep: The game is easy to play, but a considerable amount of complexity emerges from the dense interactions between all its elements!
  • Killing in style: Find creative ways to kill enemies by luring them into pits, smashing them into walls or other monsters, shoving them out of bounds or exposing them to the meditative power of your “spirit bomb” special move!
  • Ranked mode: Reach score goals to win matches and move up through the ranks, making the game progressively more difficult. Can you win on rank 24?
  • Endless mode: In case you like going for insane highscores, you totally can!

Fabian Fischer created the game to explore the possibilities of connecting a variety of contextual interactions to a simple core mechanism of card-based movement.

Twitter: @Ludokultur

(You can find the PICO-8 cartridge on the Lexaloffle BBS.)

Release date
Fabian Fischer
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: May 17, 2021

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