Marvel's Spider-Man posts

This did something for my inner child
Anyone else really miss bases?
Because I do. Fisk bases, prisoner bases, demon bases, Sable bases. Just tons of waves of enemies to beat the shit out of, or take them down with stealth if you prefer. Nothing in Spider-Man 2 quite fills the gap. They probably didn’t wanna do the same shit again to avoid the Assassin’s Creed stigma, but it’s a bummer.
POV: You’re dad is a police captain
This sub as been incredibly negative, to the point where it’s literally sapping my enjoyment of this game
BEFORE YOU SAY IT: NO INSOMNIAC IS NOT ABOVE CRITICISM AND YOURE ENTITLED TO YOUR OPINIONSI can’t believe we’re talking about the same game here, the way some of you are talking about it you’d think this game is the most mediocre and lame experience of all time. I’ve not had the urge to play recently most of your comments have left such an awful taste in my mouth, so I’m going to leave for now.The reception elsewhere has been almost universally positive, it must be a negative echo chamber in here that’s really bringing me down.Shoutout to the people who have reasonable and fair criticisms, I appreciate you
Harry Osborn appreciation post
I didn't see this topic brought up very often. What did you think about Harry character in this game?I may be in a small minority here, but in other media I've always found his character to be pretty unlikable. Not that it was necessarily "bad written" (well, maybe except the Amazing Spider-Man 2 version), I just didn't care about him at all. They always focused on his hatred for Peter, rather than on their supposed friendship. And in that way he always appeared to me as a Norman 2.0. In this game on the other hand... I think they did a wonderful job at explaining "why" in the first place they are supposed to be best buddies. The flashback at the school, the little talks in the Coney Island segment, their shared dream... Their relationship felt real and relatable to me, for once. I also liked that they changed his personality a bit, making him more like a "science geek" easy going kind of guy, more akin to how Peter is.In the end, it felt natural to me that, for once, Venom develeped on Harry's sincere desire to heal the world WITH Parker, rather than the hatred towards our spider friend. I hope we'll see more of him in the third game.(Sorry about my bad english, it's not my native language. Have mercy on me).
Insomniac is still cooking! (DLC gonna be hype)
I think it got overcooked a little bit lol
There has been a lot of back and forth on Miles and Peter lately. But I think this is important
While I think a lot of this has been taken out of context as the game ends with Peter taking a break and not talking about retirement. Miles is just handling things for a little bit and I doubt they are going to completely remove Peter from the game as spider man 3 probably gonna have 3 spiders. But anyway this is important for everyone to think about and while I am a Peter guy over Miles as I relate more to Peter there are individuals who relate more to miles. But they are all spider man. Just like Miguel or Ben. They may be different but they all work around the same premise to be a hero we can relate to in our own way. So with that said I will leave with this‪“What I like about the costume is that anybody reading Spider-Man in any part of the world can imagine that they themselves are under the costume. And that’s a good thing” said by Stan Lee‬
Concept for an Option to Change the Suit that appears during a Symbiote Surge for NG+
Look who I found!
Getting real tired of negativity. I'm not gonna pretend criticism isn't valid, but let's break it up with some photo mode, huh?
hot take: spider-man 2 is a really really good game.
thank you for coming to my ted talk.