Massively Single Player Retro RPG
I forget what game engine this is using, but it's all in C++. What I do remember is I wanted to really go retro with the underlying system, and all collision, even the moving sprites, is done on a tile grid. The visual part of the map is one giant image (I know, not so retro, but time constraints...) and the collision for the map is stored in a simple text file. You can find this in the "data" folder.
"background.txt" is the collision and if you open it in a text editor and maximise it (so it doesn't wrap) you can guess at what's going on . T tiles is for town, I think the only reason they exist is to give the NPCs somewhere to spawn. Each tile represents 16x16 pixels.
"data.txt" is basically all the other info in the game, including all the random text strings, entity type settings, etc. You might recognise some of the names from my favourite video games or cartoons. I also threw in the names of my friends at the time too.