Z to advance any screen that's not the actual gameplay. Arrows move the cursor. Z rotates the cursor 90 degrees. (It should 'just work' at the edges.) X swaps the two tiles under the cursor. You have 30 seconds to get as high a score as you can! The more tiles are popped at the same time, the higher your score will be. This game should not require any colour distinctions, although it will probably make it easier if you can distinguish colours. Everything is shaped differently, even the highlight that shows when tiles are popping.
CommentaryThis game is something I've been working on for a very long time indeed. On and off over more than 18 months, though it certainly doesn't look it. I'd come back to it, try something, get frustrated, give up for months, and so on.
It's an interesting one. I got the basic mechanics of it working pretty early on. Kept getting a bit lost as to how many types of tile I wanted, how I wanted the end state to work, and persistent bug where matches in the last row or last column wouldn't be caught. (It was not an off-by-one error!)
Still a bug here or there, but I'd say it's pretty playable. Runs on a 30-second timer. Please enjoy!
Lexaloffle BBS thread: here.
#1GAM January 2017.