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Cursed Ghosts

Made for Ludum Dare 51. Theme: ‘Every 10 seconds’

A twist on a famous arcade classic. Pills, here!!

(06/10/2022) IMPORTANT: during Ludum Dare 51’s voting period, I will let the navigator version as 1.0.1, since the site does not allow you to put two Web players simultaneously; nevertheless, be aware that later versions (such as 1.0.2 now) will be available for download (including the navigator instance) if you want to try them out. In particular, 1.0.2 does a better job at displaying a suitable difficulty and is so close to the original that it is worth a look to get a better idea of how the game plays out.

Technical note

The game runs in fullscreen mode, which causes trouble for the navigator version (which I had hidden from displaying). Desktop versions should work.

In the navigator version (which has thus smaller resolution): the love.js fullscreen mode (using the lower-left button) seems not to have the keyboard respond (at least for me under Firefox), only the mouse; nevertheless, the fullscreen mode (using the lower-right button) works, although it only extends the Web player’s background. I recommend using a desktop version if you can for better comfort, even though the navigator version seems playable.

(DISCLAIMER: still at least one bug — ghosts do not disappear once sacrificed —, but I am trying to solve this as quickly as possible. Update: fixed! Silly variable misnaming!!)

DISCLAIMER: a technical navigator-related bug causes the game to crash when you press Return to reload a level (this is related to sound). Hiding the navigator version temporarily to fix this. EDIT: apparently solved!

Release date
Mossieur Patate
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

System requirements for Linux

System requirements for macOS

System requirements for PC

Edit the game info
Last Modified: Oct 7, 2022

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