Maze Flyer (Linux Game Jam 2019)
Find and destroy all enemy sentry guns in randomly generated maze as fast as possible. Using six-degree-of-freedom controls in zero gravity.
This is my entry to Linux Game Jam 2019.
Move left/right: Gamepad left stick X, keyboard A-D
Move forward/backward: Gamepad left stick Y, keyboard W-S
Move up/down: Gamepad Square/X-Cross/A, keyboard R-F
Yaw left/right: Gamepad right stick X, keyboard left-right
Pitch up/down: Gamepad right stick Y, keyboard up-down
Roll left/right: Gamepad L2-R2, keyboard Q-E
Shoot: Gamepad R1, keyboard space
Abort match: Esc
NOTE: A gamepad is definitely the best way to play the game, but it needs to be a good one. I tested PS3 controller and Logitech F310 gamepad and the hard-coded deadzones in the latter made accurate aiming really hard.
The making of
The game is made on Xubuntu Linux and using mostly open-source tools:
- Godot Engine 3.1
- Blender 2.80 beta
- Gimp 2.10
- Ocenaudio 3.6.1 (free, not open-source)
All sounds are CC0 sounds from
The source code for this game is available on GitHub.
I spent approximately 15-20 hours on this game project in total after starting from absolute scratch. I had to cut a lot of important stuff on my To Do -list to make the deadline (I might add some these at some point later on):
- Mouse control (pitch/yaw) and acceleration to keyboard controls.
- Proper menus and completion/failure screens.
- Full-screen mode and resolution switching.
- High-score tables.
- A lot of eye candy (for example particle effects and SSAO).