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Microsoft from Italian
Found in a bundle, which I purchased almost only for this game, Mechrunner had given me many hopes for an immediate and entertaining arcade game, also having the enthusiastic but few reviews.
Once loaded it just seems to keep the promises: great graphics, for an indie game, with special effects and better animations of the indie media, and we're just on the menu!
After checking everything, graphics options and control, and tried to understand how it starts, begins a bit confusing, due to menus not really well thought out, which leave room for many doubts about what we are doing and what we should do... OK, however then the game begins, and with him the disappointment of the umpteenth Unity game thrown there to make number.
I Speak of disappointment because the premises are all, and for a cheap indie game are not little thing. It is Certainly not difficult to make beautiful graphics with Unity, given the tons of assets for sale, but what is not easy to do is put them together consistently, and Mechrunner does.
There are also good animations, good management of the room (although it is still quite static so it was not difficult), even spoken dialogues, and tons of special effects.
On the technical side, therefore, nothing (or almost) to plead, but this Mechrunner sins in the most important part, the playability.
It Seems to play a game for mobile, with a mountain of grinding to be able to buy even the smallest upgrade, which means repeating the same level for an eternity.
Although This level is generated a bit randomly, in the end the changes are really minimal, so minimal that in practice do not warn, so boredom comes soon.
Also the action is among the most droning I've ever seen.
There is the section in which you are hurtling through the streets trying to avoid obstacles and in the meantime destroying enemies that will release blue globes that are the currency of exchange for upgrades, perhaps the most enjoyable phase, in which our vehicle will move with The grace of the Pong racket from one side of the screen to the other. Even If we can transform ourselves at any time from robot to armored vehicle, in practice this section should be made as a vehicle, because it has the best weapons and is more manageable, and also is able to collect the survivors.
Then The scene stops and you enter the combat section, where I found it most useful to use the robot with its mobile pointer to destroy the shield generators, then return to the vehicle and its powerful weapons to destroy the enemy. Ah If you kill the enemy as a robot, you can also enter the stage "cold cuts", where you just press a button three times (if I remember correctly) to slice the boss of the round. At The fifth time it already smelled old.
Repeat These steps for a hundred times and you will have an idea of this game.
I Do not know what other users have seen (one even rated this game 8.5/10), but certainly I have not seen it. I Must admit that I played very little for now, about 25 minutes, but in this time so small I have already broken a lot, and I have replayed the same level from 5 to 10 times.
I Will be bored quickly if I do not get enough stimulation, but objectively I do not see anything so exceptional in this game.
And I repeat, it's a pity, because there is everything you need, technically speaking, but you need a complete rewrite of the mechanics of the game to make it interesting, because as it is is beautiful only in the screenshots.