Dahomey Amazons in Empire Total War were OP af because they had the same unit size as line infantry but they had the range and accuracy of light infantry. If you spammed a lot of them the enemy would get slaughtered quickly. What other units are super OP in the franchise?
This is my first TW run in TW Warhammer I Im in turn 91 and struggling because it's my first time. I'm playing as dwarves and captured a settlement near the south. I was encircled and besieged and for some reason my entire armies health got HALVED. I was forced to fight a massive greenskin army with about 1000 deployed with 200 dwarves, (100 Quarralers, 4 grudge throwers, 60 dwarf warriors and 40 longbeards). My entire frontline with the melee got destroyed and I held off with my lord and the rest of the quarralers. I surely thought I would lose but somehow I won and their entire army routed. It really made me realize how high their defense and leadership is.
Tfw 2 different factions greedily force marches straight into your poor undefended WE outpost only to mysteriously know to stop A PIXEL away from your ambush zone, thus causing irreparable damage to your brain cells.Literally stepping in the circle while staring me in the eyeballs they shouldn't be aware of. I will now proceed to commit sudoku and bring this campaign with me for I no longer have functioning brain matter to keep on living.
Hello,I thought it would be fun to create an all inclusive poll for us to take as a community!So Time for a Census!Two years ago, this video came out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y1Y-zu2MJA0 and I found it very interesting, unfortunately I couldn't find a Warhammer 3 version of this video, so I decided to make a poll asking the same questions + one extra question at the end, this is the link to the google forms:https://forms.gle/fKVxD4vesSyYQoih6It will not take your e-mail address, but you need to introduce your e-mail address because you can only respond once. At the end of the poll you can see what other players answered just like in the video.The poll has 26 questions: - Favorite Warhammer Faction (overall) - Favorite Legendary Lord/Campaign for each race (24 questions) - Favorite Warhammer Campaign (includes all campaigns since Warhammer 1)Please, feel free to share this link with anyone. And if someone wants to use the results from this google forms to make a youtube video, go for it. So if ItalianSpartacus or any other creator wants to make a video about this poll, feel free to do so.Just like the previous poll, the essence of the poll is 1. Who's the most popular Warhammer Race in terms of Legendary Lord and campaign mechanics. Then questions 2-25 are all who is the best legendary lord for campaign, in terms of the mechanics, the play-throughs, and the overall feel. And question 26 is what is the best campaign/map you've ever played on.Hope ya'll participate!
Hello all, been thinking recently about how despite the Eastern Roman Empires obvious existence in both Attila and MTW2, the empire seems stuck in between games as Attila focuses on the 300s, whereas Medieval 2 starts in the year 1100. I would love to see a game that starts around 600 and goes to like 1100, where the “Byzantines” encountered everything from the Arabs and Khazars and Slavs, to the Rus’ and Normans. You could also heavily feature the Franks obv, and have a true Arthurian era setting in Britain where the native Britons, Saxons, etc are at war before it becomes Wessex vs Wales.On a similar tangent, I would love a mechanism where you start with a regional map, like in the expansions such as “Age of Charlemagne” and once achieving mastery of a region, the greater map opens up. I’ve always kinda hated that in grand campaigns, iconic rivalries end up just becoming your first easy conquest (England vs France, etc) because your small starting provinces are huge areas as opposed to Thrones of Brittania where a place like Wales has numerous factions and regions
So we all know the recent drama with CA and Total War, but this isn't the first time they've pulled something like this. Some people may not know and as this is the Total War sub and not the CA sub it might not matter but, like I said not the first time CA has been anti-consumer as hell. For those of you who don't know, CA made Halo Wars. For this post I will specifically be talking about Halo Wars 2 due to my personal expirience with it. First of all there is a completely P2W mode called "Blitz." It is heavily reliant on buying/obtaining card packs, making the mode very favored to people who pay for more chances of better cards. Next is the issue of the season pass. The season pass in itself isn't bad. It includes a few campaign mission dlcs and a bunch of leader packs. But theres one small issue... It doesn't include the larger story mission pack that is $20 MSRP. So people who paid $100 on launch for the game and season pass got all except 1 dlc which added a new story mode, 2 leaders and a whole seperate multiplayer mode.So tldr: CA has always been on the greedier side, they just hid it from their main playerbase.Also sorry for any formatting issues, I'm posting from mobile!
Been a longterm fan from back in the original shogun days. I have been through a lot of ups and downs with the series and I have just decided that I would be happy with a medieval 2 remastered and call it a day for totalwar. How likely do you think that is either in production or even a realistic prospect.