Mega Pong
Mega Pong
This game is a spin off the classic game pong. How this game is different from the classic pong is: players are not locked to just up and down movement, the ball will speed up after the player collides with it, there is no score but instead goal tiles which act as the player's "life".
How to play
The objective of the game is to destroy all your opponents goal tiles before your opponent destroys yours.There are initially six tiles and when the player's tiles all disappear the player loses. Goal tiles are destroyed when the ball collides with the tile. When the ball collides with a tile the ball's speed will reset and the tile will disappear. When the opposing player has two or less blocks then their sprite will shrink. This is to prevent the player from camping on their tiles.
Players are initially in their resting state. In their resting state players move faster but they are unable to collide with the ball. When the player holds down space or num pad 0 they turn solid. When players are solid they are able to collide with the ball but they move significantly slower.
ESC - Reset game
Red Player
W - Move up
A - Move left
S - Move down
D - Move right
Space Key - Turn solid
Blue Player
Up arrow - Move up
Left arrow - Move left
Down arrow - Move down
Right arrow - Move Right
0 Number Pad - Turn solid