Mermaid Tale (itch)
In a world of lights and shadows, a mermaid has to pick up six musical notes to recover her voice and sing again.
This small game was made as a class project where the two key words were "shadow" and "water". Disclaimer: shadows may or may not work like this in real life.
This was my first time doing my own sprites, scripts like the player controller and messing with Unity in general, it was really fun!
- A and D or Left and Right to move.
- Space to jump/swim.
- Sprites
- "Underwater Fantasy" (title screen) & "Underwater Diving" (level) by ANSIMUZ.
- Mermaid sprite by LunarBerry, recolored by me.
- Sound
- Sonic Lost World - Sea Bottom Segue (slowed down juuust a bit).
- Got item! by Kastenfrosh.
- Scripts
- Gravity Manager by Kyle Banks.
- Scene Manager, Loader and Camera Follower by David Baez.
- Font
- Blacklist.