Metal Collector
Orignially created for VimJam game jam but not submitted in time because of exporting issues. The theme for the jam was "collectable" wich I implemented by allowing the player to move around with a metal detector to find objects out of Metal. There are Objects hidden which are made out of gold or silver, which the player needs to collect.
- The collected items can be seen when pressing E
- The Menu can be opend with ESC
- W,A,S,D to move around
- Move mouse to rotate
- Right click to switch tool (Detector/Spade)
- SHIFT to run
- Staring location is where you can restore your energy
- digging and running consumes energy
Move around and swing the detector untill you hear a bieb sound. Once an Item is located switch to the spade and spam left click to dig it up. The Spade has a radius indicator witch shows what are will be dig up. If an item is not fully in the radius it will get damaged and not collected. A damaged item will give less points when collected. Since in real life digging up things you find and walking around can be very exchausting, I implemented an energy bar which can be refilled when going to the starting location.