Metamorphabet reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Good little game for young children. The concept is simple: just click on some places in the image so that a letter from the aphabet comes alive and becomes the representation of a Word. It's very well done, and often funny. Everything is in English, so it's a good way to start learning English words.
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Microsoft from Russian
Bukvomorphosis is not a big, but beautiful and original game-presentation. The Essence of the game-to find the secrets in each letter and seems to be nothing much, but only every secret opens on his own. Here in general, that is not a click, something happens. The Game is not difficult, passes quickly. Could have cost twice the price. But at the moment it is the most interesting foreign primer. We should be. In Addition, the game was tested on a niece aged < 5 years. The Most interesting thing is that she really memorized the English letters and then pronounced them. Foreign Words of course were more difficult. Is It not a teaching with entertainment? Result. Beautiful and interesting click-Rope. Passes in less than an hour, but for this hour never bored of abundance and search metamorphosis. 7.0/10
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Microsoft from Deutsch
After a long Time I also sat down on a Video after the short text review: I prefer to fly over the Text, just goes faster and it has no visual Spoilers: Actually it is Vulnerability when you argue about it now, whether this is a Game or not. It's definitely a Video Game. You can interact with Things and exactly THAT has rarely been as much Fun for me personally as I did in this Game. No Story, no actual musical Accompaniment. Just an incredible Art style, a pleasant Voice that reads you the Things you're seeing and Sound Effects that come out of all the Things. It'S a real shame that you only get a few Words said here per Letter. However, you can "influence" them or interact with them. Here I had to laugh like a Toddler myself again and again. Things don't quite get ready for. Bsp: The Letter F becomes a Foot. From these grow after a few times jump Feathers. After which a Fan grows out of the Top. You can click on it on which it turns. Jump now with your Foot you fly. Simple it definitely is, but it just keeps playing carefree. After all, there is nothing to lose or win. At The End of the day, however, I do not have the Words to describe the Game in more detail. It's just a great Experience. Whether 30-60min Game time is really worth £550? Everyone should decide that for themselves. But If you can't decide, you can test it here maybe buy here later). Personally, I have no regrets about spending money on it.