Metro Fracture
Metro Fracture is a 2D Unity game made by Luc Walz for MI 231 at MSU.
All of the art, animations, and programming were made for this project in 4 weeks.
Fight through an infinitely looping subway of humanoid creatures!
You can take 5 hits before fracturing, resetting between cars.
Keep in mind, a headbutt does a lot of damage, but you risk hurting yourself as well.
Arrow Keys / WASD --> Move forward/backward and crouch down
Block --> While moving backward, the player will block attacks thrown at them
Shift (Hold) --> Sprint
X --> Fast, stunning light attack (Jab while standing, Kick while crouching) 0.5 DMG
C -- > Slow, heavy attack (Swing while standing, Headbutt while crouching) 1 DMG, 3 DMG