Midnight Mischief
Content Warning: Potentially scary and loud, sudden sounds.
It's the summer of 1984. School's been out for a couple of weeks now and your parents are absolutely sick of you. You're always creating messes and ravaging through your home, so your parents need a break! Fortunately for them, your sweet ol' grandma has agreed to take care of you for the week. Your parents have set one rule for you, NO MISCHIEF! Well... that's just not the type of kid you are! Each night at grandma's house, you'll get up and at midnight and do your best to perform mischievous acts without getting caught for an entire week! You'll soon realize this is a bit more difficult then at home, as grandma isn't as sweet as you once thought. I can guarantee you won't get any candy!
- WASD to move.
- Hold 'E' to interact with glowing objects.
- Click the space to kill the lights
- Left Click to access help menu (?) and the missions menu (3 horizontal bars), as well as to press other buttons
- Recommended: Sound on, with headphones
- Listen to the sounds, they mean something!
- Grandma will not go outside, or your room (unless checking on you), so treat these places as safety zones!
- Objects reset after 20 seconds, so manage your time wisely!
Website Access: https://caitlynwunderlich2.wixsite.com/midnight-mischief
- House TileMap: by Penzilla on itch.io
- Outside TileMap: by Caino on itch.io
- Player Sprite: by Mystic Woods on itch.io
- Grandma Sprite: by MiniFolks on itch.io
- Game Icons: by Penzilla on itch.io
- Fonts: Here and Here on 1001freefonts.com
- Object sound effects: from freesound.org
- Background Music: Here on pixabay.com
- Click Button: Here on pixabay.com
- Bed Sprite by DreamyPixelArt on itch.io
- Light2D: from Here
- Grandma Voice: by AlesiaDavina pixabay.com
- Chase Music: Here on pixabay.com
- Gameover Sound: Here on pixabay.com
- Door Sounds: lennyboy, ahubbar1, j-tap, pixlrelm on pixabay.com
- Into Song: Here on pixabay.com
- Generator Noise: Here on pixabay.com
- Lightbulb Noise: Here on pixabay.com
Game Creators:
- Silver, Jackson
- Toko Mangan, Maya
- Wunderlich, Caitlyn
- Yuan, Kevin