Mike Wazowski's Hangman

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  1. A word or phrase, which ideally should be a noun like a name of a place, animal, thing etc. (but should make sure it is not a Name of a person, or any slang or informal words) is chosen by the first player to guess.
  2. Initially, the player can only see how many letters and words make up the full word or phrase. This is then displayed as blanks with the number of blanks equal to the length of the guessed word or phrase.
  3. The second player/guesser now has to guess the word/phrase and has limited chances or lives to do so
  4. Once the guesser says a letter, if the word contains that letter and is guessed right, then that letter is revealed in every location where the letter exists in the word or phrase.
  5. However, if the guessed letter does not occur in the word, the incorrect guess results in another piece of the man getting added to the gallows.
  6. Once the guesser is coming close to guessing the word, the guesser can attempt to guess the whole word and if guessed it right, the player has won the game. If not, the game will act as if they guessed a letter incorrectly.
  7. The player loses if the picture of the condemned man is completed, resulting in his grim demise.
Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

Mike Wazowski's Hangman screenshot, image №2531871 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 11, 2020

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