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Created for the Epic Game Jam in 7 days! It's pretty rough still though.

The game idea is that different things would happen to the character throughout their day, and as they go about their business and interact with other characters it's up to you to manage their anxieties, paranoid thoughts, exterminate bad ideas and nurture positive vibes.

If you don't stay on top of keeping their mental state in check they will have fits, tantrums, and generally have miserable experiences.

The features I dreamed up and am working to implement are all just that right now, 7 days flew by so quickly.

So you are in the brain of a character you have to keep calm, I miagined a lot of different  mini game type mechanics but the one I have built is that different segments of the brain will catch on fire and start to move towards the center of the play space, causing you to "Run out of space." you have a fire extinguisher to put the fires out and if you put them out fast enough the brain segment will stop moving and be pushed away. 

You play as the subconscious a student in class trying not to have a panic attack. Inside the mind of a neurotic, paranoid, anxiety plagued, angsty, hormonal youth, you must deal with the repercussion of the days events on the inner workings of their mind. The feature set is extremely limited because of the time crunch imposed by the game jam, but the game will continue to be expanded on after the judging phase is complete. You will be in the Basal Ganglia, there is a control panel where you can look out the person eyes to witness the events affecting their mental state (although we did not have the time to flesh out animations or really anything happening in the world outside their head in time for the game jam, this is the plan for the future). Current state of the game, sections of the brain will light on fire and start swelling up (moving towards the center of the play space) You have to dose the fires and push back before you get crushed/ overwhelmed by stress.  We set a 6 minute timer, if you can survive until class is over you win, at least until we expand the events of the day and implement more of the planned minigames.

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Not rated

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Mind-Fullness screenshot, image №2992721 - RAWG
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Last Modified: Sep 7, 2021

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