Mind Pit
You are a young apprentice to the great hypnotist Zamien Cruuxtfeld, and he has asked you to try to read his mind, digging deeper and deeper into the hole of wonderful consciousness. Be warned, reading minds is not easy, and the Great Cruuxfeld has some tricks up his brain stem.
Press the corresponding arrow to guess which tile Cruuxfeld is thinking of before time runs out. If guessed incorrectly, the timer will drop dramatically, but correct guesses brings it up.
All dark tiles means any button can be pressed and the current mind stream is refreshed.
Game by: Jordan Dube
Hints Below.......
Hint1: It's pattern based
Hint2: The pattern resets at every set of dark tiles
Hint3: Each color has their own pattern
Hint4: G1 D, G2 D; B1 L, B2 D; R1 R, R2 L
[Yes, I know you can win by just spamming the keys, but the Great Cruuxfeld does not approve of such shenanigans!]