Mines (Rayquaza01)
A Pico-8 Minesweeper Clone
How to Play
This game is a minesweeper clone, so if you know how to play minesweeper, you should be right at home playing this game.
The game board is filled with tiles that contain hidden mines. Move your cursor with ⬅️, ➡️, ⬆️, and ⬇️. Clear the tiles with 🅾️ to reveal what's underneath. A number will appear on cleared tiles that shows how many mines are directly adjacent to the cleared tile. Use this to figure out where the mines are. You can place flags on tiles with ❎ to keep track of where all of the mines are. Pressing ❎ again will mark the tile as "maybe flagged", so you can keep track of possibilities that you aren't quite sure of yet.
Clear all of the safe tiles to win the game! But be careful: accidentally clearing a mine will result in a game over!
Other things to note
* You can't clear a flagged tile
* You can clear maybe flagged tiles
* You can't flag cleared tiles
* You can't lose on the first turn
* Mines are generated after the first move, so you are guaranteed to hit a space with 0 adjacent mines on your first turn.
* There is a timer and high score. The timer starts counting up after the first tile is cleared or the first flag is placed.
* The default high score is 500 seconds.