MinesDeeper (Ludum Dare 48)
Click on one of the highlighted tiles to proceed to the next level (layer). Tiles highlighted in green represent valid moves while those in red are invalid.
Numbers shown on each tile are information about tiles beneath that grid. They indicate the no. of layers before reaching a non-dirt tile, numbers for stone tiles, that could block your path, are coloured in grey, and those for diamond tiles, that reward higher scores, are gold in colour.
As an example, a tile with a grey "1" on it means that it will become a stone tile after one more move. Therefore, part of your path will be blocked if you selected a tile right next to it.
To reach diamond tiles, you need to be right beside them when the numbers reach zero, and you can't move to a tile with a gold "1" on it, i.e. on top of the diamonds.
Empty grids with no numbers mean that the following nine tiles are all dirt tiles.