Minesweeper (Dolphy69)
The board has divided into cells based on difficulty. The mines are randomly distributed after your first click. The numbers show how many mines around them. With that in mind, you can right click and flag a cell if you think that cell contains a mine. To win, you have to open all cells that doesn't contain a mine.
Easy: 8x8 board, contains 10 mines
Normal: 16x16 board, contains 40 mines
Hard: 32x16 board, contains 99 mines
Programming: Yunus Emre Aydın
Artwork: Yunus Emre Aydın
Sounds: Yunus Emre Aydın
Special thanks to SFML and TGUI teams!
Github repo: https://github.com/DolphyWind/Minesweeper