Mini Sandbox Universe
This game was created solo and everything was made for the jam. Apologies for the horrible sounds haha I ran out of time and made them in 10 minutes just to get some kind of sound in there.
Had lots of fun in blender with this one. This is only my second attempt at a 3d game. I did hope to do more but as always I over scoped!
The Linux and Apple version are untested.
Left Click to zoom in on a planet.
Right click while zoomed to zoom out to see the whole discovered universe.
Be careful not to hit the right click straight after zoooming starts. This can bug out. Didn't have time to fix this.
If there is a tooltip that is staying visible when it shouldn't, just put your mouse over another part of the UI.
Left Click to place a build or resource.
Left click on a hut or mine to allocate civilians as workers.
Use the mouse wheel to rotate buildings and resources (its a bit buggy. The higher you are on a planet the faster the rotation)
Use the arrow keys to rotate the planet.
Hover over UI elements for tooltips
Once you have build something it cannot be deleted.