Mishap (Garbage LD Game)
This game fucking sucks, but I wanted to do SOMETHING.
My original idea was to have a guy pressure wash graffiti off of the ground from people trying to make statements about the government/lizard people/hot pockets being too hot, and when each level passed whatever graffiti was left would stay there forever. But then I thought I was running out of time to do it right, so I scoped what I had down to two graffiti people who had fallen in love and wanted to kiss before the building they were on was demolished, and all the negative space around them acted as walls you couldn't pass, so when parts of the building exploded it would then be impassible. This was actually WORSE because it was a mix between 2D and 3D and had a lot of weird dynamic stuff going on.
This is what you get now: A game about a wounded scientist crawling to a portal before some scaffolding falls on him. It's pretty stale and has no replayability, but it's better than nothing. :)
A better game than this in a similar vain is Diving Simulator 2015, one of my previous LD games. You should play that if you some better button smashing action.