MLB The Show 17 achievements

<3 Love it <3
In Road To The Show, favorite a social media message.
Team player
In Road To The Show, accept a position change request.
Every strike brings me closer...
With the same player, strike out, then hit a home run in their next at bat. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, or by switching teams.)
"Our National Pastime All The Time®"
Complete a game while using the MLB Network® broadcast theme style. (This trophy is not awarded if completed by fast forwarding, using quick manage, or setting innings to less than 9.)
Your journey begins...
Create a new Road To The Show player.
Why you heff to be mad?
Strike out your opponent on a no swing strike three. (This trophy is not awarded if completed in a local multiplayer game, by switching teams, or with quick counts turned ON.)