Mobile Quest GB

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Small update: fixed healers not doing damage/now also has experimental web build, it's more jank than the downloadable version for now tho.

Quick note: According to Windows, Chrome, and Malwarebytes, Clickteam Fusion 2.5 games might be treated as "suspicious" for reasons I can't even remotely think of, but they are false positives. Fusion games just be like that sometimes I guess.

In an alternate universe where a certain company's mobile adapter for their handheld actually made it outside japan, one company released a "massively multiplayer" online game that could be played without raking up phone bills, it garnering a strong player base...

Until today when it was announced the servers would be going down. Out of the blue you get an email from a friend you partied with numerous times before, telling you to log in today for one final quest before the game dies.

A small game made in Clickteam Fusion 2.5 for the Dying MMO Game Jam.

Default Controls:

Arrow Keys - "D-Pad"

Z - "A Button"

X - "B Button"

C - "Select Button" (Used for Healer and Archer classes)

Enter - "Start Button" (Used for skipping cutscenes)

I couldn't have made this without any of these wonderful assets, please be sure to check their creators out below!

Gameboy RPG Tileset by Sondanialson (CC BY 4.0):

Character Sprites by Route1Rodent (CC BY 3.0):

Monster sprites by SorceressGameLab:

Music and SFX's by Yaru/Yal:

Other music by joelfrancisburford:

Character Mugshots and additional graphics by Ahimay-Sokamu:

Weapon sprites by GWES/ETTiNGRiNDER (Public Domain/CC0):

Other weapon sprite by PiXeRaT: ( / )

Stars by Peony (CC BY 4.0):

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for Web

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Last Modified: Feb 21, 2022

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