Monster Sweethearts

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Monster Sweethearts is a demo of a  free  lesbian Monster dating sim set in the rural town of Black Wood . Your stuck planning the Monster Sweetheart dance after being exposed to the existence of monsters. But you your self don't have a date to the dance! through 5 different possible routes you might end up with a very special lady depending on your choices throughout the game.


Content warning:

a general warning of  violence,body horror and gore especially in the bad ends. But be careful if any of these things trigger or upset you in any way, especially in new versions of the game .

18+ content?:

this game besides the violence does not contain any sexual 18+ content, the most you get are make out sessions and kissing. there is one scene where its alluded that characters did the do but nothing besides kissing is described.

MS is rated  PG15+.


 This game is a demo to see if there is any interest in this type of game.  If enough  people like this project I will  continue to work on it.  But in the meantime i will work on Version 2 of the game with updated sprites, backgrounds, finishing the last two routes and any errors in code. So if you want to see more updates comment and follow my tumblr. if not thats cool too.

planned updates:

--finish xanthes route

--finish liens route

--more cgs for all routes

--updated sprites and backgrounds(remove placeholder sprites)

--Whatever you guys suggest!

The instinct and reason system:

These are special choices you can choose from time to time. These matter more then regular choices in the routes .

Instinct: More of a violent approach.

reason: Use your head to solve problems. 


this game is not the full product. I plan to Add tons more CGs later on in development and general polish, such as grammar or graphic mistakes. If you see any of these please leave a comment so I can fix it in the updated version. And if you want to see something in the game,such as mini games, feel free to comment I'd love to see your feedback! I accept any Constructive criticism.

I also would love if you made any fanart, playthroughs or anything else then your more then welcomed too!

My tumblr(Ask me anything here!):

if you have problems with downloading please tell me so i can fix it.

Thanks you even if you just read this even more so if you downloaded and played it! I hope you enjoy the game I worked so many nights on. and hope to work more nights on.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

System requirements for macOS

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Last Modified: Nov 1, 2019

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