MonsterMatch (rachelgo, vulvarine, KseniaGa, Ruxee)
The Witches of Klu Jam present:
On a freezing winter's night, you stumble into a pub for refuge and some warmth. But you instantly regret it, as you find yourself in a room full of monstrous creatures. Stomach-churning noises and revolting odors fill the air.
You come to the startling realization that the pub is crawling with monsters looking to feast on human flesh. But you have one last call: it is speed-dating night at the local monster pub!
In order to survive you need to find a date! Make conversation, engage in flirty banter, and be ready to mingle...but don't let anyone find out that you are a human!
- Replay to unlock the 12 different endings!
- Easter Egg: a familiar AAU professor might mingle in the monster pub as well...
- Created for the 8th Klagenfurt Game Jam with the topic "Unusual combination"
- Included diversifiers given in the KluJam:
- It speaks! Give your game a voice. (Top notch voice acting!)
- Inclusivity - Add accessibility options (uses dyslexia-friendly fonts and includes non-binary characters!)
- Different every time - Procedural content generation is used in the game (you get a different combination of monster-dates every game!)
- Biedermann Marie (vulvarine) - Music, Audio and Effects, Voice Acting, Story, Graphic Design
- Diaconu Ruxandra (Ruxee) - Artist, Story, Voice Acting
- Gorden Rachel (rachelgo) - Artist, Story, Programming in Ren'Py, Voice Acting
- Harshina Ksenia (KseniaGa) - Story, Programming in Ren'Py, Developing
Game Idea by Everyone
Source Code on GitHub: