Monsters At Work [BETA]

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Monsters At Work is one of those games where you don't really need a keyboard to play, but it's not a point n click game.

You play as a person who has schizophrenia, a disease that makes a person hallucinate. You have to get a job, while dealing with the disease. You will see the are zombie-like creatures near you that wants to get close to you, but they aren't real. You have to keep them away from you or else your boss will think you're not working and will fire you for that, but you also have to do your job, or else the same cause will happen.

Summary : 

Click on the objects in front of you that says "click" immediately. Click in the zombies to rewind them back to their original position. The zombies will only move when you're not looking at them.

This is a BETA build for the game, you might find some bugs or things that can be improved. If you do find them, then please let me know!

Monsters At Work was originally a game I made for the fourth Brackeys game jam, you can view that version here.

Enjoyed playing it? (I doubt you did lol) Why not consider donating to see the full version as soon as possible. Every penny would be extremely useful for me.

Release date
Age rating
Not rated

System requirements for PC

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Last Modified: Jan 11, 2021

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