Monuments of Mars reviews

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Microsoft from Italian
INTRO > Of This game I still have a floppy with the shareware version (ie containing only the first episode, the remaining had to be paid aside)... Wow, it was definitely another time. THE GAME > Monuments of Mars is an atypical platformer, in the sense that it has a particular structure, different from most of the "classic" 2D platformers: Each level is a screen in which you have to reach the exit by dodging or killing enemies, collecting Bonuses, by activating levers, buttons or computers and jumping platform to platform; You have infinite lives (in case of death you start again from the beginning of the current level) but limited ammunition, so these must be rationed with a minimum criterion if you do not want to incur big trouble afterwards. The game consists of 4 chapters, each of which is subdivided into 20 levels (i.e. 20 screens). One particular thing to emphasize is that this game has no mercy on the players "distracted"-some levels need to be studied and dealt with as small puzzles, because there is a risk of getting stuck if you perform wrong actions, with the consequent Need to do a "suicide volantario" to restart the level (alternatively there is a special key to repeat the level). PROS And CONS > The game is immediate and without too much frills and, frankly, I've always found it amusing-this is its biggest pro, and what makes me recommend this game. I Personally also appreciate the prudent management that you have to do ammunition-adds a pinch of extra challenge that never hurts. The cons however are not to be underestimated: the game is very short (each episode you end up in about half an hour, so in two hours you arrive quietly at the end), the CGA graphics is definitely not the best (it is true that the game is old, but in those days , without going to bother the consoles, on the PC there were already titles with colorful graphics as the very first Prince of Persia or Civilization) and, Malus in Fundo, the control of the jump is not exactly the maximum, especially in motion. -PRO-Without too much frills and immediate The need to save the ammunition makes more interesting the challenge proposed Some levels are really well structured, especially in the first two chapters-ANTI-Graphics already old CGA at the time The game is very short The mechanics of the Jump is not exactly the maximum CONCLUSION > Beyond the cons, which can make the nose twist to the most, if you are looking for a game with which to have fun without too much thought, making a real dip in the semi-prehistory of PC games (a game in CGA on Steam!) ... Monuments of Mars can do for you.