Moon Base (Demo)
*This is a DEMO for a project currently under developmet.
Move: W - A - S - D
Rotate Camera: Mouse
Center Camera: C
Run / Dodge Roll / Parkour: Left Shift
Jump: Space
Interact: E
Withdraw weapon: Mouse Wheel Button
Aim: Mouse Right Button
Shoot: Mouse Left Button
Swap weapons: Q
Pause: P / Esc
*Remember: A swordmaster is required to defeat another!
In the year of 2220, space exploration technology evolved a lot and spaceships travel across the planets of our Solar System in search for resources. However, humanity has no knoledge of any kinf of alien life form.
In the Moon, a high security level prision has been built for the most skilled and dangerous criminals from the Earth.
Trip Spacerruner is a former bounty hunter, who is now being taken as a prisioner to the Moon Base.
However, the rout is interrupted when a group of pirate space aliens take over the ship, and now, you must do whatever you can to escape as, at the same time, tries to uncover the dark truth behind the Moon Base.