inspired by the work of Yiannis Moralis and Moon Mysticism.
A collaboration between Michael Berto and Joost Eggermont.
If a video game is a novel, then MOONCHARMER is a poem.
MOONCHARMER is an interactive, visual moment. It is also a collection of songs, writings and concept sketches, all under the wing of MOONCHARMER.
There is no wrong way to interact with MOONCHARMER and if you so choose, once you begin, MOONCHARMER will play itself. MOONCHARMER is the story of Moralia Mooncharmer. MOONCHARMER can be experienced over about five minutes. MOONCHARMER is released with the final full moon of the decade.
Joost Eggermont has supplied the art, the code, the design and the inspiration. Michael Berto has supplied the design, writing and inspiration and their archetype Paws Menu has supplied the music. Mooncharmer EP art is courtesey of a collaboration with Bruno Penabranca.
All proceeds from purchases of MOONCHARMER will go directly to supporting the developers. However, for every copy of MOONCHARMER sold until the first full moon of the coming decade, we will plant a tree on the Earth.