Mortal World
Welcome to the Era of Legends!
This is an age of wonders, a time when creatures of legend freely roamed the land. The cities of man are lorded over by giant monsters known as the Nephilim. Each of these Titan Kings are as much as five times the height of a man, and so powerful that they can lay waste to entire armies by themselves. But this power has made them cruel, and they treat their human subjects terribly. In turn, the humans squabble and treat each other poorly as well. Slavery and murder are common, and it is truly a dark time.
You are the human leader of Lasthallow, a small settlement of hunters and farmers, a task you have grown to love. One day however, a group of wandering travelers comes into the village and tells how they saw slavers bearing the livery of Zeurus capture some of your outlying farmers. In horror you race out to the farms to find the travelers were telling the truth: your people have been taken.
Zeurus is one of the most powerful of the Titan Kings, a Nephilim known as a tyrant and slavemaster. You want to race to save your people, but you know running in blind will just cause the death of those you love. So you decide that in order to make it past the large number of bandit camps and cultist settlements, that you will need an army. The rest of your village is loath to risk angering that Titan King, and as such make no move to try and save their kin. So you decide to call for volunteers, and begin to train them with swords and bows. Very few answer the call at first, and most of those
are lured by the promise of steady food. It isn’t much, but it’s a start.
Zeurus is sure to have more men, that are better equipped. But if you don’t try, your people will spend their lives in slavery, kept from those they love. And so it begins...
WASD - move camera
"+" - toggle game speed fast/normal
SPACE - pause/unpause
F - attack - your creatures attack the enemies and their settlements
G - guard - your creatures defend your settlements
R - retreat - your creatures retreat to your settlements
1-9 - set production
0 - delete unit from first production slot
N - toggle sound