Mouse 2064
The year 2064 is a cruel, heartless place. The world has devolved into a psuedo feudal system, corporations represent the new feudal fiefdoms and CEOs are the new kings. Society has stratified into new social classes: managers, the new lords and contractors and workers, the new serfs. Freshly 'redundant', Victoria "Mouse" Hart suddenly finds herself neither. Previously contracted to the Arisana Corp as a corporate thief, she was skilled in infiltration and corporate espionage. Now she stands outside a hot dog stand in the pouring rain, seeking a new kind of work, and a little revenge on her old masters.
Made in 15 days for #LOWREZJAM.
Mouse 2064 is an unforgiving shoot first or die side scroller. You have a limited number of bullets. As the levels get harder, you will have to successfully balance this fact with using your stealth, your reaction times, hacking terminals to regenerate your energy bar, and the countdown timer, to successfully complete each.
Fast completions, using less bullets and setting off less security alerts will lead to a higher score.
Move - Left & Right Arrow Keys, A & D, Numpad 4 & 6, or, Gamepad DPad (Left and Right) or Gamepad Left Stick (left & right)
Look - Up and Down Arrow Keys, W & S, Numpad 8 & 2 or Gamepad DPad (Up and Down) or Gamepad Right Stick (up & down)
Shoot - Space, Left Mouse Button, Gamepad Right Trigger
Interact/Open Doors/Hack Computers - Enter, Control, Right Shoulder or Gamepad A
Crouch - C, or Gamepad B
Stealth - X, Shift, Gamepad X or Gamepad Left Trigger
Melee - Use either Shoot or Interact within range of a Guard to melee rather than shoot them
Quit - Escape or Gamepad Start
Guards cannot see you while you're stealthed. They have a medium reaction time.
You have to kill the manager at the end of the level to finish. They can see you even when you're stealthed, and have a fast reaction time.
Drones move quickly throughout the level. They can also see you when you're stealthed. They have a medium reaction time. Use caution around them.
Cannons come in different forms. They cannot see you while you are stealthed, and have a slow reaction time.
JamMouse 2064 was created for LowRezJam 2020 #LOWREZJAM
I had so much fun coming up with the Hot Dog Philosophy!
Tripfive font -
Everything else was created by me.
Still sorting out using the gamepad in all the main menus.
I have no way of testing the Linux and Mac builds.
Still unemployed.