MouseCraft reviews

Translated by
Microsoft from French
Early access review it is always a little odd to write a review for a game to the creation of which we participated, even a little and even if it is annex. So let's ship the details: If everything goes well, then the game will soon be in French, tested by your devoted servant, and in a State that I hope is less dismal than a game dev Tycoon or a braveland. That's if the koalas put the beta in place for translation. In General, when I offer my services for a game, I like it. I don't get paid unless the dev wants to. I'm not asking for anything unless the dev wants it. I do my utmost, because if I like the game, I want it to be almost bearable in French, partly for my children. there is. So you know everything. Now we can move on to serious things. MouseCraft is a clever mix between lemmings, Tetris and blocks that matter. From the first, he recovers the creatures that advance without thinking and that we will have to help. The second, the famous tetrominos. From the last, the blocks with various properties that will have to be used. Shake it all up, and you have mice that have to arrive at a piece of cheese, crossing a level of pitfalls, and you have to help by placing tetrominoes with specific properties. So far, nothing more logical and normal. The number of dangers is five. First there are the ratoids, mechanical mice that hold more Orange than anything else, and that you will have to destroy to free the passage. Water, which you will need to approach carefully, since a mouse that spends more than ten seconds immersed will drown irreparably. Acid, which can gnaw blocks and mice from all edges. Electricity, which will strike any natural organism or not. And finally, the worst of all: you. Because the air of nothing, some levels can be quite twisted. You will have to juggle the active pause of the game, during which you can place blocks, and well predict your shot, under pain of losing all or part of your workforce (of three mice in all cases). As if that were not enough, you will receive a note after each table. It's simple: if it's not perfect, you haven't done enough to run your brains. And to make it perfect, you will not only have to bring all your mice to the cheeses, but also pick up all the Anima crystals that hang in the level. It sounds simple, but once again it's all about timing. And chain reactions. And bombs to recover and use in places and opportune moments. From a puzzle point of view, MouseCraft is not the Messiah, but offers all that one can ask him: fun, frustration, and moments when one feels like Archimedes. Visual level, since the alpha I have never had anything to reproach the game. It's lated, it's cartoon, it's clear, it's readable, it's coherent. Audio level... My faith I do not have any grievances to express, but no praise, either. It goes without problems, but don't expect to hum the music in the bathroom. It is not annoying, not exceptional, perfectly fills its Office when it comes to furnish your parts but stops there. The sounds of them are quite at the point, stick to the game, the atmosphere and the action, so nothing to tell by it either. Level of satisfaction and investment. It's monstrously short the air of nothing. Because the beginning ships very, too quickly mainly. Fortunately, crunching koalas has thought of including a level editor and, to be sure it doesn't turn to anything, dotted the story mode of block types to be recovered during its progression. That's my faith, very well. Only to see if the community will follow, what we can only hope for. If this is the case, my caveat on the length of the game disappears as if by enchantment. Especially since, no matter how much, MouseCraft would stick to the tablet. Very well. On the phone too-his big blocks and characters would be easily readable on small screen too. This is not to say that the PC experience is bad or that the game would be better on a mobile support. Just that we find this decoupable gameplay in small slices, easy to grab for five minutes. It would not be surprising if he made an appearance on either of the mobile blinds, for that matter. After all, it is already on PC and Vita, so good... But let's move on. The game is easily recommendable for the whole family, does exactly what one wants, does not suffer any major problems (and has never shown any sign since its beginnings). Plenty to justify his purchase, so.