Mr. Gorbatchev, Tear Down This Wall
It is June 13th 1990 and the Berlin Wall must finally fall!
Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down This Wall is a Pinball / Blockbreaker based around the events leading to the destruction of the Berlin Wall.
Create Ball: Tab
Launch Ball: Space
Flippers: Right and Left Arrow
Mr. Gorbachev Tear Down this Wall was made during the Seattle Indies Game Jam 2019 by Team Reaganomics. We are continuing to work on the game for the Slow Jam ending on 11/23/2019.
Team Reagonomics:
Thierry Treyer - Design, Programming
Chris Maryatt - Sound, Music
Megan Taylor - UI, Programming, 2D Art
Kevin Bryan - Design, 3D Art
Lindsay Elizabeth Doran - Historian
System requirements for Web
Last Modified: Nov 11, 2019
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