Mr. Shifty reviews

A very fun and fast game. Doesn't outstay it's welcome and manages to be entertaining the entire time through
Fast, funky, funny and vicious. Really worth the couple hours it takes to beat
«OST on repeat»
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Microsoft from Deutsch
A challenging action adventure. I would say Age rating so 8-12, Target Group rather so Teens and Adults who are willing to play a very exciting and forging superhero Nightcrawler game. The Game principle is great, the Controls are very good, the Music makes you feel Good and the Story is beautifully made. I have to highlight The Level Structure in particular, genuaso the Action. The Levels are extremely varied and exciting and equally very difficult. The Combat Elements are challenging, unpredictable and there is always new to discover. Incredible. I can say that the Game is worth its Price, but it should be expected that it may still be easy at the Beginning, but at The End it will be very difficult and sometimes frustrating. However, I consider Difficulty to be a positive Factor, as simple Games are nowhere near as much Of a whim as this heavy Arcade-like action game. 8.5/10 Challenging and exciting. Class!
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Microsoft from Deutsch
Very short but also entertaining Skill Game. The Art Design is a bit too gaudy in my Opinion, but that hardly diminishes the Fun of The game. The greatest thing about this Game is the excellent responsiveness of the Controls. The Control is precise and above all there is no Delay. Once you click, you blink or beat and that feels very good. But this is also bitterly needed, because in its chaotic Phases you have to decide within a few tenths of a second how or where to blink. The Difficulty in the Game comes from an Opponent's Hit meaning death. You can earn a safety bullet time by persistently Wedding your Opponents, but it only lasts a few Seconds. I think you have 5 Batches on your Blink, which are estimated to charge around one every half a Second. This allows for more complex blink manoeuvres within a very short Time, but at the same time limits the overly Excessive Use. Flashing too often leaves the Account blank for a few Seconds before everyone is charging at the same time. So you have to keep An eye on how many times you want to blink where. There Are some Enemy types, some heavier, some lighter, but all are colour-coded in a way because they all wear specially colored Suits, so that even in the Chaos you immediately realize what an Opponent is standing in front of you. Also a very nice Trick of the Developers to give the Player more Overview. All in all, the Game is relatively simple except for the last Chapter, as long as you keep moving and have become accustomed to the Frequency of blink charges. That doesn't make the Game any worse, though. I really enjoyed the couple of hours.
Really cool little game. A bit short but a lot of fun. When I played it has some framerate issues but nothing to interrupt the gameplay too much.