Multiverse Collapse
This game was made through the Seventh Game Jam of Santa Maria city, RS, Brazil
The theme was Repetition (Repetição). The ideia here is to play as you can, until you die. When you are dead, you come back as a new character, however your previous play will repeat the level with you - repeating the same actions as before.
To support the mechanics, the story is about a multiverse collapse. A time warp was breached and several worlds have a portal to that time, making it a mess.
The time to make this game was from friday 3 pm to sunday, 2 pm. It was done a lot in that time period - all movements and repetition mechanic, the platform mechanics and level design, some side tools to support the mechanics and even a small simple shader. It was a good challange. The game engine was Unity3D 2017.2, with c#
The art was most borrowed from "". Thank you a lot.
The sound was bought in unity`s assetstore.