Mutant Mudds reviews

I've only played a half dozen levels or so. It started out mostly fun but as the difficulty ramped up I just found that the controls and physics didn't agree with me.

Positive points: Fun ideas for platforming.

Negative points: The physics/controls reminded me of old games in a bad way.
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Microsoft from Deutsch
At last! Only Today seen that it works again, since deleted in the meantime. Have played it last on the iPhone 4, now determines the 50th Time and it still makes you feel like it!
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Microsoft from Danish
Although most probably don't like it at first glance, the platforming, "Mutant Mudds", is an ambitious time-drive, which is probably the best bet on the classic platformer converted to the sensitive touchscreen on Apple'S tablet.
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Microsoft from French
This game is the zero degree of maneuverability and gameplay. It is horribly slow and the controls are horrible... I was made by the only two comments (5 stars) that are probably comments posted by the editor.
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Microsoft from Swedish
Functionality not guaranteed on iOS 8 devices? Wow, what to do? Maybe Update the stupid app. Think It's ludicrous that they Say in the description that it doesn't work on iOS 8 but don't do anything about it, smart advertising for itself. Softly.
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Microsoft from Dutch
Just bought the new ghost levels and when i want to enter a lvl the game crashes plz fix this i paid 1,99 and cant play the game... Hope there will be a update soon ty! Love the normal game very much but being ablo to play the new expansion sucks.. Plz fix renegade kid
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Microsoft from Swedish
I bought the game long ago and now when I was going to download it on my new phone it says that it may not work and when I have downloaded it so it does not work I think they should update the app because it feels boring to have put money on it so works Then not!
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Microsoft from French
Demanding, hardcore gamer, retrostalgic, perfect ergonomics and playability, depth of gameplay, minimalist graphics but very pretty, the music is nice... This game is simply book! Thank you for correcting the bug that prevented the opening of the game for more than a year:-)
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Microsoft from Italian
Excellent title A small jewel in the videogame scene, shows great originality and a particularly sought after taste to retrogaming. Audio style Game Boy Color, 8 bit pixel calibration with coloring very similar to the 16. Comfortable Interface to use, long-lived and replayable. Maybe the price is a tad high, but thinking that his other appearance is for Nintendo 3DS leads us to appreciate the low budget price. Pity for the 3d but remains a gioico, of the best platform seen for iOS s. On ipad A pleasure if you have the Retina display you will notice the difference. 5/5 ValeCora.