My Dreamy Darling Deathwish

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A game made entirely within the span of 2023's Yandere Game Jam! All of the art, GUI, programming, and writing was produced between 1/23/2023 and 2/26/2023. Two new musical tracks were also composed during this time- The rest of the music is reused from previous projects.

A short (7,000 words) yuri VN where you step into the shoes of Jessie Hall, a young adult who's developed an obsession on another girl who goes to her university. Will you be able to curb Jessie's obsession- And should you?

My Dreamy Darling Deathwish has 2 neutral endings that apply when other ending criteria go unmet, 2 bad endings, and 1 good ending. 

WARNING: As a yandere game, this project contains themes of stalking, murder, and suicide, and includes crude language. There is no sexual violence or outright bigotry, though one character makes passing reference to her internalized transphobia. A short sexually suggestive scene can be optionally experienced (and has no other bearing on the game's plot). The in-game warnings screen also contains a full list of '' categories.

This project was essentially created as a skill drill to practice before beginning the development cycle of Entropic Float 2. Entropic Float is a 300k+ word ontological mystery that is completely free here on itch, and on steam as well! If you liked this game at all, or found yourself wishing it was longer, please consider checking out Entropic Float too!

If you liked anything in the game from a technical perspective- Art, UI, programming, writing, or music, feel free to reach out with business inquiries. I'm always interested in new opportunities, and everything in this game but the title screen's art was made by yours truly!

Trailer voiced by Lauren Kong

Title screen art by Soyokaze

Note: Known bugs that will be fixed at some point but not now include

-Jessie refers to the third letter as the second letter in one line

- The content warnings refer to a more intense scene that was cut from development. The character in question's suicide is NOT depicted on screen, only the note.

Release date
Nico H
Age rating
Not rated

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Last Modified: Feb 27, 2023

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