My Little Yeti
My Little Yeti is a prototype designed for DogPit Team's Virtual Pet Jam! The goal was to see how close I could get within the time-frame to creating a game based on the mechanics of the Chao World game mode in Sonic Adventure 2. I went into this not expecting to have something complete, but I am pleasantly surprised by what I have been able to pull off in such a short time, though it helps that my visual assets are all things I have purchased or gotten for free previously (credits down below). Unfortunately, as they are licensed through the Marketplace I am not allowed to distribute them.
ALL of the logic in this project, and the project itself was created within the time-frame of the jam.
ControlsRight-Handed / Left-Handed
W,A,S,D / Arrows Menu Control, MovementE / Right Ctrl Menu Select, InteractLeft Shift / NumPad 0Sprint*As per the rules of the jam, while in windowed mode, if the cursor is visible or during a race, the mouse is not locked to the game view.*
GameplayFor anyone unfamiliar with the Choa World game mode, this game is a simple "relax and take care of Yeti" kind of game. Though there are things you can do with your Yeti, such as race them against other Yeti. Initially only the beginner races are unlocked, however the expert races become available once you raise a strong enough Yeti. You will also be given special Yeti eggs as you raise Yeti to certain milestones.
Asset CreditsAs I said earlier these are all assets I own the legal rights to and no credits are needed, however, for the sake of the jam I feel it's honest to mention everything I did not create myself within the time-frame.
- Barbarian - Epaneshnikov Pavel
- Climbing Animation Set - Hammerhead
- Food Pack 01 - Patchs
- Movement Animset Pro - Kubold
- Outliner - Void Lantern
- Scanned Poplar & Aspen Forest with Seasons - Tirido
- Reactive Water - Patrick Bendermacher (Water Volumes)
- Unified Interactive Water System - egray io (Water Materials and Particles)
- Yeti - Andryuha1981
There is one asset I need to credit independently as it really allowed me to add some much needed customization in the last few days. This asset is CC0.
- Glasses 1 - Plaggy