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MyWorld - Action RPG Maker

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MyWorld - Where action RPG begins!MyWorld is an action RPG adventure creator with built-in worlds; ready to be conquered and kick-start your imagination. Solid multi-player means you can battle alongside or against friends and foes with PvP and Co-Op modes. Invite players into adventures you've created, explore friends worlds and share on the steam workshop.
PlayBattle your way through enemies and quests in our pre-made adventures, such as 'The Blight' and 'Mushroom Realm'. Combat is rewarding, learn enemy timings and use 4 special abilities to smash apart your foes. Most world objects are breakable! These worlds amongst others are showcases for what can be crafted in MyWorld. We can't wait to play yours!

CreateWith a powerful yet easy to use editor, you can create worlds in exactly the way you want to play. It boasts over 350 items including undead skeletons, cursed knights, haunted crypts, towering bosses, homely taverns, friendly NPCS and even a chicken! With the click of a button you can change your world from a foggy blighted land to an enchanted mushroom kingdom, using our 9 world themes. This library is constantly growing, giving you real freedom and creativity for your action RPG adventures.
No coding required - you can easily drop in enemies, buildings, bosses, and link your worlds to form huge realms.

Enemy Creator Craft your own enemies out of a wide selection of body parts, ranging from a pumpkin head to a giant eyeball body! Mix and match left and right limbs. Get creative with the paint pallet, assign glows and metals, fill worlds with enemies straight from your imagination. Body parts can also be hidden to create spooky floating enemies.assign it's behaviour, health, damage and more. Scale options give you the power to change the size of head and overall height.
World PainterGet creative and totally change the feel of your worlds by painting it's contents. From barrels to houses, let the paint flow!
Tell stories, set questsAdd depth into your worlds by easily dropping in NPC's from the editor. Create unique quest chains with kill and collect objectives, harder the quests the more XP you or visitors to your world will get! Tell stories with 'Dialog' only options.

Hub WorldControl everything through your hub world. Create, host, join, watch tutorials on 'MyWorld Tv', change your hero character and more, simply by running over buttons or through portals.

Community & Steam WorkshopRun through the Steam Workshop portal in your HubWorld to access worlds created by users. Download and access them in your world list. Join worlds or host your own via the hub world multiplayer portals, and get to know new players with in game chat.

System requirements for PC

  • OS: 7, 8, 10 - (64 Bit)
  • Processor: Intel Dual-Core 2GHz or AMD Dual-Core 2GHz
  • Memory: 2 GB RAM
  • Graphics: DirectX11 Shader Model 5 capable GPU
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX11 Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
  • OS: 7, 8, 10 - (64 Bit)
  • Processor: Intel Quad-Core (i5 2300) or AMD Octo-Core (FX 8150)
  • Graphics: DirectX11 Shader Model 5 capable GPU
  • DirectX: Version 11
  • Storage: 2 GB available space
  • Sound Card: DirectX11 Compatible Sound Card with latest drivers
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Last Modified: Oct 1, 2022

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MyWorld - New RPG! The Boss! - Let's Play MyWorld Gameplay
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BUILD YOUR OWN ADVENTURE! - MyWorld (Let's Play MyWorld Workshop Levels/World Editor Gameplay)
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MyWorld Action RPG Maker PC 60FPS Gameplay | 1080p
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MyWorld - Steam Early Access Trailer
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GameSpot Tra...
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MyWorld - Action RPG Maker reviews and comments

Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Early Access Review Since I've been Playing for 10 Hours now I make a + List + 3D Action RPG Maker there hasn't been + there are many ways to shape the world zb. Entire Mountains put inking ... [-Every Tree put Unicing] [-You can't make Hells] + it easily lets itself make a Quest Quest collect this kill the ... + Man can create his own Monsters or NPC + you can link a Portal to another World [the Qust are not Worlds overarching ... [Do I think I heard] + low price compared to RPG Maker MV MV or XP ect-Why can't you make yourself a character I have my Character editor is there ...-You have to go to a Portal to set the setings from the Key ECP they have not heard-And to Little hiring options ... There still needs to be a lot of Content in it because it still misses so much zb NPC giving THE as a fix EXP. You can't pick that one's eye, you don't get any money or anything else, no EXP around Level I think you have also in Multiplayer ...-at the moment no PVP plays so I can't say much about because Multiplayer ... I would like it if you could adjust how strong you are so DEF AKT HP ECT can set and that you can only Bertetten places when you have done a mission ... Because mometan make the mission little sense because you could Trozdem until the end Running ... Conclusion: Well, those who like the Project Supported it may be that it will be a Real good Maker but unfortunately not quite at the moment. I supported the project *! I'm not exactly good at Spelling here could improve me a ...!!
Translated by
Microsoft from Deutsch
Product received for free Early Access Review Light RPG Maker with a few Blemishes I received the game for free from the Publisher to start a Video Series on my YouTube channel. If you want to take a closer Look at the Game and need a little Gameplay and Video Footage, you can click on the Video link at the End of the Text! :) The Game principle: Our Character runs, bounces and rolls across the World. In doing so, the World may have been created by ourselves or by others. We experience Adventures, kill Monsters and get Quests done. At Fire Sites, we can rest and store. We can gain Experience, level our Character and also die. The Animations are strongly reminiscent of the Dark Souls series-the Degree of difficulty is also built up and also the Fire Places for Resting are like the Beacons of Dark Souls. the world:... At least in the worlds created By the Developers is pretty empty. However, due to the simple Kit, it is easy to create your own Worlds with Quests. The Quests: ... Always are "Collect XY" or "Kill XY." Maybe something will happen again there? The Combat System: ... It's hard. It is more advisable to play with Controllers, the Attacks are not accurate and difficult to hand over. Especially at the Beginning it is difficult to kill even the lightest Enemies and you die easily. The Opponents: ... There are some of. Some hold more, others do more Damage and others kill you again at a Stroke and you yourself hardly do any Harm to them. Depending On the Level of the Character and the Opponent variety, you can despair at times; Just with the somewhat difficult Combat System. ;-) Basically, the Game is beautiful. It's Fun, looks OK and has some Pep as it's sometimes enormously difficult. Unfortunately, Scores Are not stored in the individual Worlds once you switch (or I haven't found an Option for it?..). In addition, there is a little lack of Depth and Complexity at the moment-but the Basic Principle is good! Let's see what the Developers do with it. ;-) German, by the way, is not yet supported. Overall, a Buy Recommendation! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHd7DqF5Bz8
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