Nano-Therapy was created for the Saint Louis Science Center Arcade Jam. This revolutionary event brings together game developers and their audience in a unique environment hand-crafted by the talented science presenters at the Science Center. All games created during the Arcade Jam will be featured for play in the new GameXPloration space at the SLSC on a real arcade cabinet!
Notes about this game: It was designed for a custom Winnitron arcade cabinet which will be present at the SLSC for the public to experience this October. Therefore, the controls are strange, and currently you cannot configure the game's sound, graphics mode, or keybinds. We will release a version in the near future which will feature the ability to configure your controls and use your own custom joystick setup.
Player one controls:
- Up/Left/Right/Down Arrow = Move the yellow nano-machine
- Period (.) = Brakes
- Forward Slash (/) = Boost
Player two controls:
- A/W/S/D = Move the blue nano-machine
- Tilde (~) = Brakes
- Number One (1) = Boost
Press ESCAPE to exit the game. To start a game, just press either the player 1 or 2 brake/boost button. A new player can join at any time!