Nathan FaBot: Dr. Fabian’s Monster vs. Whetzelmania
How To Play:
Find the collectible. Once you collect it, it will restart the game.
WASD to move. Left click to shoot your glue gun. Spacebar to become undetectable by enemies.
Known bugs:
Glue splashes only appear when the main character can't see them.
All Whetzels (enemies) are visible, and their cone of vision is indistinguishable from the main character's cone of vision.
Weird background shifting is going on when you walk around.
Digital evade (spacebar) does not currently drop aggro.
Playtest Questions:
How was sneaking?
Was it intuitive?
How was whetzel detection (ex. range, accuracy of detection)?
Do you like your move speed?
What do you think of the map size?
What skills would make it more fun? More challenging?
Did you like the music and volume level?