Nearly Monochrome Roguelike
Nearly Monochrome Roguelike is a roguelike game. In this game you go through an invinite randomly generated dungeon. There you have to collect keys while avoiding all enemys. The controls are pretty straightforward with WASD or the arrow keys to move and Escape to pause the game.
The idea for this game came from a gamejam the Youtuber Miziziziz did in March 2020. There he had to build a roguelike in seven days but he did it in one. Me as a new game developer thought I could do it in one week but it ended up taking three months because I had problems with the enemys. (I really only worked two weeks on the game but with a big pause in the middle.)
I made this game with Unity. I only made a Mac and a Windows build if anyone wants a build for another OS just write a comment and I'll try to upload it.
Please write any bugs, suggestions, problems, features or your highscore in the comments.
PS: my Highscore is actually only level 6 and I died on the 824th move.