NeckLong is, on a most basic level, indistinguishable from a video game- probably. In NeckLong, you play as the titular long-necked- uh, thing NeckLong (first name) NeckLong (last name) on a journey to acquire goods and/or services through means involving the exchange of legal tender. Run, jump, duck, slide, and weave your way through obstacles irl to escape the abhorrently slow walking speed, clunky jump, and jank, neck-lengthening neck lengthener ability. This thing that, for the sake of argument, we're calling a video game, allows you to experience the thrills of playing Celeste, but if it were less compelling and a puzzle platformer, but only on Tuesdays. Oh, also, I left a sandwich somewhere in here; if you find it, could you send me an email or something- it's a really good sandwich. Anyways, if you're so inclined to interact with this "video game," good luck and have fun! That's an order.
- Arrow Keys- Move
- Z- Move Up (but only sometimes)
- X- Extend/Retract
- R- Restart
- B- It doesn't do anything but you can press it
- S- Go to Sleep