Nectar (itch)
You play as a blue butterfly trying to get the Nectar from the red flower. However the frogs won't let you pass. So you have to break the Fly Cage to distract the frogs. However, breaking the fly cage could also mean blocking your way, because Vines will come down and block your way this time instead of the frogs. Unless.... you have the ability to rewind. Yup! use the rewind ability to solve puzzles and get that sweet Nectar!
*You can't get past the frogs and vines just by flying through
*You can only get past them by using Rewind, tracing your step back
Plan your way before you move!
W, A, S, D = Move
Left Mouse Button = Grab/Drop Rock
Right Mouse Button = Rewind/Stop Rewind
R = Restart
ESC = Pause/Hints
I'm pretty much new to Unity, with two weeks of learning how to code, then hearing about Brackeys Game Jam and I decide to enter this Jam, looking for experience.
This is my first game jam. I created this game within the time period of this Game Jam. I make the art and compose the BGM by myself. Additional sfx from ZapSplat and fonts by codeman38.
*for the rewind sfx i actually set the pitch to 0.85 but the audio won't play on webGL, so i have to use different sfx.